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But when you come for American kids, when you claim that sterilizing our teens and children and preventing them from attaining adulthood naturally, all before they've even had their first sexual experience, American parents will fight back. The left doesn't like when their politics and practices are called out for what they are, and they don't like their own rhetorical tools being used against them. The efforts ahead of the midterm elections are intended to rile up the Republican base and fill the campaign coffers of its candidates, without offering evidence that any Democrat had committed a repugnant crime.' The Washington Post claims that 'Republicans have reverted to verbal and legal assaults on the community, sometimes employing baseless tropes that suggest children are being groomed or recruited by defenders of gay rights. The GOP has finally come to their senses and has been combatting educational programs that would indoctrinate children into gender identity and adult sexual lifestyles and a medical industry that advocates for children and teens to be turned into lifelong medical patients at war with their own bodies in the name of affirmative care.

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